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這些資料僅作為一個快速、摘要的初步參考資訊,並不是一個完整的參考資源。它無法包含每一個藥品等之所有資訊。該資料只能由可依本身專業進行審慎評估及判斷之具資格的醫師、藥師、護理師所使用。如需取得較完整或權威之參考資訊,請查詢該藥品仿單(如本院“藥品綜合查詢”或”衛福部食藥署”網站)或本院圖書館相關電子資源(如” Micromedex(CCIS) 2.0版”、” UpToDate”等)。

This data is intended to serve as a rapidly accessible, concise initial reference resource and not as a complete reference resource. It does not include information concerning every therapeutic agent, laboratory or diagnostic test or procedure available. The data is clinically oriented and is intended to be used only by licensees who are physicians and other competent healthcare professionals who will rely on their own discretion and judgment in medical diagnosis and treatment. The nature of drug information is that it is constantly evolving because of ongoing research and clinical experience and is often subject to interpretation. While great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information and recommendations presented, the reader is advised that the authors, editors, and publishers cannot be responsible for the continued currency of the information or for any errors, omissions, or the application of this information, or for any consequences arising therefrom. Therefore, the author(s) and/or the publisher shall have no liability to any person or entity with regard to claims, loss, or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, by the use of information contained herein. Because of the dynamic nature of drug information, readers are advised that decisions regarding drug therapy must be based on the independent judgment of the clinician, changing information about a drug (eg, as reflected in the literature and manufacturer's most current product information), and changing medical practices. Therefore, this data is designed to be used in conjunction with other necessary information and is not designed to be solely relied upon by any user. The user of this data hereby and forever releases the authors and publishers of this data from any and all liability of any kind that might arise out of the use of this data. The editors are not responsible for any inaccuracy of quotation or for any false or misleading implication that may arise due to the text or formulas as used or due to the quotation of revisions no longer official.


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